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First appearance Kameo: Elements of Power
Appears in Kameo: Elements of Power
Titles Cleaners, Warp Gate Guardians, servants of the elves.
Homeland Forgotten Forest Glade
Race Goblins
Affiliations Enchanted Kingdom, Tribal Lands

Goblins are small, furry creatures with wings that can be found flying around the Enchanted Kingdom. They do multiple tasks, with jobs ranging from cleaners, to guarding the Warp Gates but a majority of Goblins are cleaners for the Enchanted Kingdom.

Many, many generations ago, the Elves captured and abducted the Goblins from their natural home in the Forgotten Forest Glade and forced them to build the Enchanted Kingdom, before forcing them into servitude, becoming slaves for the elves for many generations. By the time the game's events take place, many Goblins have forgotten their original position with the elves.

One of the Goblins in the garden, beside the Mystic's hut, will give the player an Elemental Fruit if they spray his plants as Deep Blue.

The Royal Adviser to Theena, Seraph stands in the Throne room and advises Kameo to view the magical portrait to the left wall of the throne, to learn about Battle Points and more combat-focused details.

Despite the name, Goblins are not related to Trolls. Some do bear some spears but aren't seen battling the Trolls at all, even though the Goblin guarding the Snow Top Village's Warp Gate has very military behaviour.


  • If you stand near any Goblin, close enough to hear but not enough for them to look at Kameo, they will speak (this applies to all NPCs.)
  • If you do this in Yero's Gazebo in the Garden, you will hear a female Goblin say: "I wonder when Kalus will come home?" This line plays both before and after beating the game.
  • In the same area, an older male Goblin will say: "I remember the day when Kalus was born."
  • If you go into the throne room in the Enchanted Kingdom, one female Goblin who stands before Theena, will change colour when leaving the room, changing from orange to blue.
  • One of the Goblins, Bluster, will allow Kameo to have a go at a quiz for a fee.
  • The Snow Top Village's Warp Gate Guardian will say, "Wait until I get my hands on that wretch." referring to Kalus. If Kameo hits him twice, he will say, "Just like your sister, eh?" And try to hit Kameo, even chasing her for a short distance.
  • Going into the Frozen Tower, a Goblin picking up boxes will explain that there was a magic accident, implying that he is responsible for all the ice. If you stand in discussion range, he will say, "The queen's going to go nuts!" Implying that Theena has anger issues.
  • In Kameo's journal and Kalus' journal, both refer to Zephyr, who acts as a close servant to the Royal Elvin family.