Kameo Elements of Power Wiki:About

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Kameo: Elements of Power

Kameo: Elements of Power is a video game for the Xbox 360 that was developed by Rare Ltd. It's development started in 2002 and continued working until 2005. During that time, the gameplay, character design and plot changed quite a bit, along with certain characters being scrapped or reused in a different purpose, as well as character's roles being reduced. Many of these changes were made after Microsoft bought out the studio, as they wanted to appeal to Call of Duty Gamers and use Kameo as an Xbox mascot.

The plot:

In this game, you play as Kameo: A 15 year old Elvin Princess who has acquired the fabled items of legend: Element of Power, the Wotnot, and the Throne to the Kingdom, due to her mother Theena favouriting Kameo over Kalus: the rightful heir to the throne.

After rendering her whole life's work meaningless, in a fit of rage of her family's betrayal, Kalus seeks to right these wrongs by force: by freeing the Troll King Thorn and striking a deal with him, to help her take her throne and kingdom back by force, in exchange for the Tribal Lands. Thorn's trolls then ambush and kidnap Kalus and Kameo's family: Theena, Halis, Lenya and Yeros, as well as declare war against the other residents of the land.

Among this chaos, Kameo must use the Element of Power and the Wotnot to transform into the Elemental Warriors, Defeat Thorn, stop Kalus and make things right once again.

Will Theena's decision to favor Kameo and neglect Kalus tragically prove the undoing of them all?

This Wiki is for sharing the story and information about this game. Due to it's development, a lot of backstory and full motives for the characters were not added, making certain characters appearing to do things solely out of spite. A lot of work has gone into this game, and with this wiki, us the fans, hope to bring new people in and share the story of this underrated gem.

Kameo Discord Server!

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