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The Elder of the Twycross
First appearance Kameo: Elements of Power
Titles Elder
Sex Male
Homeland Twycross
Kindred Kameo
Race Elf
Age Senior
Affiliations Twycross Tribe

Terramus is the Elder of the Twycross village, and a close friend of Solon, as well as his mentor.

After his coronation, Solon journeys to the Twycross village, to be trained on how to use the power of the Elemental Warriors by Terramus and becomes close friends with him and his family. Terramus is the grandfather of Kameo, and is killed by Thorn while trying to protect Solon, set up in an ambush by the Mystic. He is mentioned in the Podcast but doesn't make an appearance in-game.

"His mentor was a Twycross Elder named Terramus. He taught the young king how to become proficient and skillful with the Elemental Warriors. Solon visited often and became fast friends with Terramus and his family."

"He arrived in the Twycross homeland and was confused because everything seemed to be fine, and the attack that the Mystic had shown now seemed non-existent. Instead, Terramus was at his home, sitting peacefully with his baby granddaughter.

Suddenly, Thorn and his Troll Lords sprang out of hiding. Appearing from out of nowhere and swinging his mighty arm, Thorn narrowly missed Solon... instead striking Terramus and mortally wounding him.

Thorn struck again, this time knocking Solon to the ground, damaging the Wotnot Book. Terramus moved between them. Even in his injured state, Terramus moved between them and the mentor was trying his hardest to protect Solon while still holding his granddaughter in his arms.

Solon could do nothing to help Terramus, but was just able to snatch the baby away before Thorn struck in fury and killed Solon’s long-time friend. Angrily, and clutching the baby, Solon summoned the power of all ten warriors and created an Elemental Shield.

With the shield in place, Solon struck at Thorn with the ultimate magical curse—one that would turn Thorn to stone but at the cost of his own life.

As the curse took hold, Thorn was encased in stone. Solon’s life-force faded, and the tiny baby he held stretched her arms toward his face... Solon looked upon her, smiled softly, and disappeared... the Element of Power dropped from his head into the baby’s hands."